Sunday, November 2, 2008

Alaura's Halloween Costume

This is not bike related but I couldn't resist. Alaura went trick or treating as a pumpkin.

She is soooooooo cute.

Easy Walker II with Amy and Alaura

Well I forgot the camera and the video camera so here is a pic of Alaura in the Kid Carriage from August.

Amy, Alaura and I went to Easy Walker Park II for a family joy ride. We rode about 4 miles in about 35 minutes and had a good time. It was sunny and in the 70's so the weather was great!

Amy pulled Alaura in the Kid Carriage so she got a pretty good work out. We look forward to doing it again.

October Mileage

I fell a little short of my goal for October. I was shooting for 100 miles for the month and ended with 82 miles. I fell ill to a cold and all was good until it moved into my chest. I chose to skip last Thursday's Cave Run ride to rest and I'm glad I did because I'm feeling much better now.