My Bucket List

This list has a life, and will change as I go though life.  Hopefully, I will complete many of the items on the list before my time is up.  If not I will have tried and become a better person for doing so.  If you think you can help me accomplish any of my bucket list items let me know.  I believe life is about networking with other people with like interest to achieve what seem to be impossible goals.

1. Hike the Appalachian Trail for at least a month (Planned for 2014)

2. Hike part of the Pacific Crest Trail / John Muir Trail section

3. Teach my children how to remain debt free

4. Live in an off the grid house

5. Teach my children how to be self-reliant

6. Hike the Sheltowee Trace, 282 miles (Planned for 2013)

7. Be an Entrepreneur 




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