Monday, September 12, 2011

First Time Riding Veterans Park in Lexington, KY

Sunday September 11, 2011
It seems fitting to ride at Veterans Park today since this is the 10 year anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on the United States.  We Will Never Forget!

I hooked up with "The Dude", aka Travis, around 5pm and we headed for the trails.  We rode for about an hour and forty-five minutes with a total mileage around 7.5 miles.

There were several people out walking, jogging and hiking the trails today but to my surprise we only saw a few other mountain bikers.  The trail is a fun single track with minor elevation changes with mostly hard packed dirt with a few loose spots.  There are some exposed rocks and roots but most of them can be avoided.

The Dude just being The Dude.
Mostly single track trails.
The Dude exiting a tree tunnel.

We had a good workout and decided that we would be coming back to ride it again.  We didn't have a map so we just explored around and followed trails to see where they went.  Now that I have some GPS data from the ride we know that we missed some of the trails in the field.  We didn't venture across them as it was starting to get dark and the lights were in the truck.  It was a great time and we talked about riding these trails when there is an inch or so of snow on the ground.  I can't wait!

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